Ericksen Initiatives is in the business of making your organization stronger, saving you money, and giving you trustworthy advice about technology.
What We Do.
Operational Assessments
How to save money and become more efficient by making smart, informed decisions about technology.
Get the Most from the Cloud
Selectively and securely make use of affordable cloud resources.
Communications Outreach and Campaigns
Using email, social and emerging online channels to deliver your message to your audiences.
Needs Assessments and System Recommendations
Finding the right systems that suit the nature of your work.
Referrals to Technical Specialists
I keep a solid rolodex, and I’m happy to pair your organization with great people.
Publishing Strategy
Using multiple channels (web, email, SMS, social networks, etc) to deliver your message efficiently to your audiences without a duplication of work.
Technology Strategy Briefings for Leaders
Keeping key decision-makers in organizations aware of technology trends and opportunities.
Dean Ericksen’s Abbreviated CV
- Washington Trails Association (2019 +) – Technology Manager
- Ericksen Initiatives (2009 +) – Owner – strategic technical consulting
- Grist Magazine (2006-2009) – Director of IT – oversaw dramatic growth of staff and advanced web publishing systems
- ONE/Northwest (1995-2006) – Technical Director of consulting nonprofit; worked with hundreds of groups regionally
- Free Range Media (1994-1995) – first staff in web startup; helped grow operation to 50+ employees
- Microsoft (1989-1994) – various technical positions
Past and Current Clients